We are dedicated to helping you achieve justice and personal empowerment.

Hope & wellness

Trauma Informed Mental Health Counseling
Trauma informed mental health counseling supporting victims of crimes from Latino communities and all backgrounds.
Victim Advocacy And Educational Outreach
Provide advocacy and case management to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Organize educational events in Miami-Dade County around HIV prevention and combatting domestic abuse.
Public Health
Free HIV testing, referrals to PreP and nPEP, assistance to linkage care.
Professional Trainings
Offering workshops on gender based violence.

Survivors Pathway was created in 2010 by Francesco Duberli with the mission of fighting for justice alongside survivors, promoting equality and inclusion through culturally-sensitive, mental health counseling and advocating for Latino communities, survivors of violent crimes such as domestic, sexual and intimate partner violence, human trafficking, and other types of victimization. The belief in advocating for all regardless of race, gender, class, and sexuality grounds our counseling and advocacy work.
Since its foundation, Survivors Pathway has been a safe place for all communities in need of spaces that embrace, affirm and integrate their cultural values and world view during their healing process.
Survivors Pathway’s creation and development is supported by partnerships with local police departments in Miami Dade such as Miami Dade Police Department, City of Miami Police Department, Hialeah Police Department, and Miami Beach Police Department. Survivors Pathway additionally works in collaboration with The State Attorney’s Office, Florida Department of Health, and local nonprofit organizations that serve victims of crimes. Currently, Survivors’ Pathway is funded by the Office of the Florida Attorney General, the Florida Department of Health, and the U.S Department of Justice.
Our services are based around a multi-disciplinary team approach to best achieve clients’ needs. This multi-disciplinary team is composed by psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, licensed mental health counselors, and clinical social workers, as well as public health specialists and advocates, all of whom are trained and specialized in working with diverse populations and trauma informed services. Our leadership represents the diverse communities we serve.